
Stupid newspaper headlines

There is a blurb in my local newspaper this morning in the business section; it reads along the lines of "Gamestop says XBox 360 supply shortages may hamper sales this holiday season.".

REALLY??!!?? It had never occurred to me that you couldn't sell something that you didn't actually have stock, I learn something new every day. This must be one of those things they don't teach you in business class.

I know, I know, what they mean is that overall sales could suffer because they don't have the high priced XBox 360 to boost them. But when you read the blurb it looks like an idiot wrote it. Or they think we're idiots. Makes you think you are going to turn to the Health section next and read something like "Doctors warn that not eating could cause starvation".


Krispy Kreme coupon

Over the holiday we get this coupon flyer for Krispy Kreme in the newspaper. There is one that is buy one dozen and get another dozen glazed free. Cool, I think until I look at the fine print. Offer valid only in January it says....WTF???? I mean I like donuts as well as the next guy but I am not going to be able to hold on to this coupon for a month over all these holidays and then still remember that I have it. I don't know what they are thinking and who this is directed at.

I have to think their audience is made of of these groups:
  • The donut fanatics are going to show up anyway, they don't need a coupon or an excuse.
  • People like me who read and go WTF??? and then chunk it.
  • Those people who collect every scrap and save it and use it as they are instructed. Poor fools, what a dismal life.
  • Then their are those who don't read so close, cut the thing out, and go down there only to be told its not valid yet. But since they have already told the family they were going for donuts etc. they have to break down and buy them at full price.

Surely it is this last group they are aiming for. It is deceptive advertising like this that really gets me mad. Just like final prices in large bold print and then the numerous rebates you have to do in small print.

The Workplace revisited

Okay, the touchy feely holiday is over so it is back to ranting.

Talking about work, I swear sometimes it is like working with a bunch of kids. My pet peeves in the workplace include:

1) They are tooooo busy to make another pot of coffee after taking the last cup. Like they are too important and their time is so much more valuable than the other several dozen people who are going to walk up and have to waste their time waiting on it to brew. I caught one once, called her @ss on it too. Then of course it was "sorry, i usually do.." ad nauseum. Right, must just be an isolated incident...

2) They leave their dirty dishes and crap in the sink like their Momma is going to come clean up after them. The poor girl who cleans up around her, I am surprised she has not quit to go someplace else. Of Course maybe every office is full of these jerks.

3) Leftover lunches forgotten in the refrigerator so long it reeks and you can't hardly stand to open the door. Then same poor girl has to clean the thing out.

4) Speakphones blasting throughout cubeland as they take care of their personal business yelling at their kids, handling creditors.

Just inconsiderate @ssholes.


The Workplace...don't get me started

There are probably 5 people out of 500 at my work who could do my job. You would think I would be making 6 figures, but noooooo (Thanks John Belushi).

All the while our mother corporation is making money hand over fist, they are laying people off, giving out 3% raises, but yet they are promoting dimwits to director and vice president positions like they were going out of style. I'm surprised some of these people can even find their way to work everyday.

I had always heard you rise to your level of incompetence, but now I know it's true. I guess I am just not incompetent enough. But seriously, it's just because I am not some egotistical salesman BS type person. Oh well, I can only hope karma is real and they will get theirs someday. It just won't be instant. You know "instant Karma"...(Thanks John Lennon)

Rant Requests

Hey, I can't do this all on my own, so if you want me to rant about one of your pet peeves just reply here. Chances are it's one of mine too.


I hate rebates. I refuse to buy products with rebates attached to them. I have heard of so many people that get screwed out of their money on these things. Also I have had a couple I never got a dime back on. You mess up one thing and goodbye rebate. I think the whole lot of them should be class action sued for false advertising. It is always the rebate price that is in big print and you have to get your granny specs out to read the fine print.

Unfortunately, one of my favorite things, computers, is one of the worst offenders. Best Buy, Circuit City, CompUSA, Frys Electronics. I realize it is the goods makers, not these stores, but the stores do business with them.

I wish I owned an electronics reseller like the size of Walmart or something and I would refuse to stock any manufacturered goods that have rebates attached. But, they will continue to do as long as there are people that fall for it. And of course there are those that have the patience and are of a meticulous nature who might actually get there money back. For me, nope, life's too short, who has that kind of time.



What is it with these people who can't seem to figure out that the fast lane is for passing not parking. Idiots!!



The people who I have my car loan through are a pain in the ass. Every time my insurance renews I get a letter from them saying I have to provide evidence of insurance etc. They have an online way to do it, but the whole thing is just so annoying.

So, out of the blue I get a letter from them saying they sent me a previous notice and I haven't responded and provided it, which was a surprise to me since I have done it every time I get the notice. And it is so threatening, they are going to add thousands of dollars to my loan, my payments will go up hundreds of dollars. Grrrr.

Well, this morning going through the process I notice on the letter they have clobbered my address and pushed two unrelated words together. And above that is the postal line it says street not recognized. Hmmmm, could I have discovered why I didn't get the first letter???

So, went ahead and did the online thing, but I am going to call them later. DIPS!!!

Steve's Rants

Yes, this is a rant page. I come across so much stuff that pisses me off in day to day life I really need somewhere to let it out. This will be it.

Don't know how entertaining it will be, but if nothing else maybe some of you will be able to identify and say "yeah, that pisses me off too." or add rants of your own.

Steve's Rants