

I hate rebates. I refuse to buy products with rebates attached to them. I have heard of so many people that get screwed out of their money on these things. Also I have had a couple I never got a dime back on. You mess up one thing and goodbye rebate. I think the whole lot of them should be class action sued for false advertising. It is always the rebate price that is in big print and you have to get your granny specs out to read the fine print.

Unfortunately, one of my favorite things, computers, is one of the worst offenders. Best Buy, Circuit City, CompUSA, Frys Electronics. I realize it is the goods makers, not these stores, but the stores do business with them.

I wish I owned an electronics reseller like the size of Walmart or something and I would refuse to stock any manufacturered goods that have rebates attached. But, they will continue to do as long as there are people that fall for it. And of course there are those that have the patience and are of a meticulous nature who might actually get there money back. For me, nope, life's too short, who has that kind of time.


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