
Blasting car stereos

These people with their big boom speakers in there cars who think the rest of the world wants to hear the crap they are playing. I can only hope it shakes lose some bolts and their car falls apart.

Oh well, they will be deaf in a few years so it is kind of a self solving problem.


Inconsiderate Fs

I get so sick of this ME ME ME people we have become. My parents raised me to be considerate of others. But it gets tougher every day when you are confronted with people who obviously only worry about themselves. It is evident in everything they do, from the way they drive to shopping in a grocery story.

I have to get out of the city.

The DaVinci Code

I am seeing these commercials for debunking type shows saying the book is inaccurate, Jesus wasn't married to Mary Magdalene, the author got this or that wrong etc.

Uhhh,'s a work of fiction folks.

Get a grip.


Gas prices

are the highest they have ever been and still these fools drive 90 to nothing either:

a) because they can't get their lazy asses up on time to leave early enough to drive at a reasonable speed or

b) they are just irresponsible a-holes who have no problem burning up fuel at a furious rate.

Steve's Rants