
Road rage Moms

It seems women are some of the most aggressive drivers out there. And damn if most of them aren't in what I call the soccer mom van. Full of kids, driving like a bat out of hell. They may not care about anyone else, but you would think they would care about their kids at least.

That's okay, whenever I run across one I F with her as much as possible.


The company you work for

They have been laying off people left and right for several months now.

The latest from management is that "they don't owe you a job". true, but at the same time you don't owe them any loyalty either.

But anyway, they have been laying people off including my boss and then today I get the usual yearly thing; the career development plan, with short and long term goals etc. the short term I would like to keep my job, in the long term I would like to keep my job.

Idiots. How much enthusiasm can you have for this document/management rhetoric when you have seen your friends being fired.

Ohhhh, but let's not let current staffing (or actually de-staffing) events get in the way of the status quo paperwork.


Radio call ins

These people that call in and then they get to them and as usual it's "hello, hello, hello, hello" before they finally come on. Screw them, hang up after the first hello. Otherwise it's BORING!!!!

You know the dickheads are trying to stay on hold and conduct what they think is some important business like running the cows out to the next field or marrying their daughter off to their 2nd cousin.

All the while thousands of people are having to listen to "hello, hello". The DJs are just as guilty. Hang the F up.


Stupid car commercial

This has to be the dumbest commercial ever if you just stop and think about it. The salesman says if he can't beat another dealers price he will just give you the car.

So wait a second...why would he just give you the car when all he has to do is beat the other price by a dollar or whatever. Right, he might not make as much or he might even lose money. But not as much as giving the car away totally.

Or, he could even buy the other dealer's car and sell it to you for a dollar cheaper and only lose a dollar.

So, I can't think under what circumstances he would ever give a car away. The answer? None. I wonder if you could claim that was false advertising since he talks about a scenario that will never happen.

It just makes me mad because he thinks we are all idiots and that we will believe this B.S.


Music radio stations

They talk more about how they play all the best songs etc. than actually doing it.

While they are going on and on about it you hear all these 1-2 second soundbites of some of the best songs ever. Not a loser in the bunch.

But then when the commercial is over what do they play...CRAP. Some song you never heard of or never liked.

Just another example of the real product not living up to the advertising hype.


Popups and other ads

These stupid sites (like yahoo and msn) with all the flash ads and other stuff hogging resources on your machine and bandwidth. You can't even navigate to where you need to go cause the browser just freezes with all that crap going on. That is when I usually close it and go on to another site without all that garbage.


Bible thumpers

who think they have life figured out. Give me a break. Don't preach to me just to make yourself feel better. I don't lecture to you about how drinking or smoking dope makes me feel better. LOL.

Talk radio programs

I like these cause it kind of chills me out in the car and lowers my level of road rage. But, give me a break, they do like this 5 minute intro of blurbs and inane music before the show actually starts. Then they take breaks every 10 minutes it seems.

And the show is only on like 4 hours a day. How much actual show do we get after all the breaks and intros etc?

Seems like whether it is a local show or a nationally syndicated one they all have the same methods of wasting time.


Insurance companies

They get their premiums from you, no problem.

But when it is time for the money to go the other way, you have deductibles, pre-approval, etc.

Everything sounds great when you sign up. But when you make a claim...yikes, it's like you committed a crime.

Life, home, auto, medical, I don't care which one it is, you are going to have to jump through hoops to get what's due you.



These people

That think they own the fast lane. Arrogant jerks. Makes me want to have one of those dash police lights so I could flick them on behind the guy and then when he starts to pull over just zoom by...

Irresponsible people

Drives me nuts people who can't take take care of their own messes. Somehow they always leave it to someone else to clean up. Of course when it is all over they feel free to step in and say they don't agree with how it was done. Well then, you should have done it yourself @sshole. Some people just deserve to sink. They have to learn the hard way I guess.

Steve's Rants