
Big trucks, big jerks

Who insist on staying in the fast lane even when traffic is going 5 miles an hour. Because they take off so slow it just backs up the "fast" lane more than the other lanes which goes against logic but that is the way it is.

Also, I have been coming up in the fast lane only to have one of them cut over right in front of me causing me to have to apply the brakes very hard. They don't care, they know you will do your best not to plow into the back of them.

Used to be that truckers were some of the best drivers on the road, but not anymore.

That is why I give them the same courtesy they give me...none.


Highway signs

You come up on those signs that say this or that lane closing in a mile, 1/2 mile, a 1000 feet, whatever. OK, you make the appropriate adjustments to your travel path and lo and behold you get up there and nothing. Ahh, the brain surgeons they have doing this have forgotten to take down the signs.

Thanks @holes, like I don't waste enough gas already, you have me making move that aren't even necessary.

Maybe it's just Texas, maybe we have more STUPID road workers than the rest of the nation.

Could be, judging from most of the people I come in contact with on the roads and elsewhere.


Duplicate commercials

On radio or TV when they run the same (or nearly) commercial back to back. The first one was annoying enough, did you have to run it again. Isn't that just a waste of money?

You think we are zombies or something?

"Must go purchase worthless crap, they told me twice, I have no free will..."


Current events

ABC 9/11 movie - its a little too soon for me, but if some people want to watch it ok. My problem is a lot of people believe anything they see on TV...even movies.

Paris Hilton DUI - I could care less really. I think she is just a stupid slut, but she only confirms to me that the universe is inherently unfair, that someone so stupid could have so much money.

Medicare changes - So people who make more have to pay more. Whats the point then? They paid more in when they were ageing, now they have to pay more out. Seems really unfair. Our seniors should be treated equally.

Gas prices - TOO F'ing HIGH!!!!



Argghhh!!! These people just have to slow down to watch what is happening. Why don't you just go home and watch "Cops" if you are so interested.

Maybe then the rest of us could get to work in a half way decent amount of time.

Steve's Rants