
Pizza buffet

Sorry, haven't ranted in a while. Been on vacation.

Went by my local Pizza Inn to complain to the manager aboutthe buffet service we received several weeks ago. They were very slow in putting the pizza out. I complained when I paid and the guy told me they had a cook out. Ok, that explains it. But I paid full price for less than full service. So, to me there are two problems that day. One, the bad service, two, that the guy at the register didn't give me some kind of credit or something. The manager wasn't in, but I left my number. Will let you know.


Allergy and cold medicines

Now you can't just buy some of these, you have to get the card and go to the pharmacy, show your driver's license, and sign for them. What a headache, no pun intended. Just because some yahoos were buying the stuff in bulk and cooking up methamphetamine out of it. Just another example of how everyone has to be treated as a criminal because of a few bad apples. Wouldn't be quite so bad, but I went to 3 different stores and they are all out of half of the stuff and didn't have prices on others. The usual BS you have to put with, but now with the added inconvenience of going to the counter. So you still don't have to have a prescription, but it is almost as difficult. So, what used to take 2 minutes now takes 15-20 minutes depending on how busy the pharmacy is. And looking at it from the stores perspective they are now making less money off of these items because it is costing them more labor to deal with the paperwork.


Sick - Yuck

I'm sick, had to go to the doctor. I blame it on people that are sick and insist on coming to work anyway. Whether they feel pressured by management to do so or feel like the place can't run without them all they do is make more people sick and in the long run it costs the company more money. Take a sick day folks, give the rest of us a break!!!


One in every crowd

Seems like no matter what your troubles are there is always someone who wants to tell you about theirs. As if it will make you feel better to know that they have worse troubles than you. The other part that burns me up is that they would think you can compare troubles. Each person's troubles are specific to them.


Illiterate posters

I don't pretend to be Mr. Grammer or anything like that, but I read some posts on some forums and there are some people who obviously don't have any idea how to write what they are thinking. Or maybe they are typing what they are thinking. If so, that isn't just sad, its scary.

It is like they are leaving out words, or misusing words or something. You get disgusted trying to put it through some internal translator in your head and you finally just give up.

And these aren't people to who english is a second language. I can understand then. These are supposedly english speaking people from the US, Australia, or the UK. Hell, some of the people speaking/writing english as a second language do better then these others.


Stores - not enough cashiers

You have to wait in line forever to give them your money. I realize this is the shopping season, but I waited in a line of about 40 people today. I guess they don't care. I started to go somewhere else, but I had already found what I needed and did not want to start all over somewhere else. But then you will hear later how the sales weren't as high as they were expecting, you know, the same old crap we hear every year. I mean when was the last time it was good, the 50s or something? Anyway they will whine that sales were down, when they wouldn't be able to move the people through if they were there. They save a few bucks by staffing short, waste our time, create a little ill will on the part of their customers, then wonder why they go out of business. Say what you want about a big corporation, but the one I have been the most happy with this year has been Walmart. They just seem to have there act together most of the time.


Red Lights

I know I post a lot of stuff about traffic, but I guess that it is one 0f my main complaints of living in the big city. Too many cars, too many inconsiderate buttheads. Ah well, next rant.

Whoever sets some of these redlights up must have their head up their posterior. As much as the talk has been on the gas this year with short supply and skyrocketing prices and there you sit at a traffic light, no one coming in the other direction, burning up that precious resource. Also, I think if there are three lanes the right one should always be turn only. And a blockade built on the otherside to prevent people from breaking the law. Burns me up when we have these laws on the books and there is no enforcement. No, they are all out there trying to catch speeders. What about the jerk in the passing lane going 55. He should get a ticket. The guy going straight from a turn only lane, ticket! The guy trying to make it through the intersection and making the other lanes wait when it changes, ticket. No, No, lets just go pass more laws we won't enforce.



Going 90 to nothing whipping in and out of traffic. Must think they are Evil Knievel or something. Every once in a while you see a news report about one dying. Hmmm, wonder why. Doesn't bother me. One less of the jerks on the road.


A little off the beaten rant path...

Seems like 2005 is to be the year of death in my world. Out of respect for those passed I won't go into details, I will just say that it feels like a lot.

I wonder about it sometimes. Not that it isn't a great ride, but it seems like sometimes life is one big struggle of disappointments and hardships until you die. Not sure if these trials are supposed to prepare you for something else. I am not really that spiritual of a person.

I used to endlessly think and worry about death, but then one day I had kind of a revelation about it. Seemed to calm me in a way. And it was simply this. If there is a life after death, great. If there isn't then I won't give a shit, will I?


And speaking of commercials

I can imagine the cost of producing a quality TV show is high, but when it seems there is more commercial than actual show it is infuriating. Wikipedia has some interesting facts on the amount of commercials we view today versus the past. Check it out:

Fast Food Commercials

Is it no wonder that most of us are overweight. It is an epidemic folks. And we are constantly bombarded with these ads from McDonalds, Wendys, Burger King, Taco Bell, Taco Bueno. Arrghhh. Everytime I go past one of these places they are packed...So do they really need to advertise that much?

Star Telegram

Newspaper delivery late again, 2nd day in a row. Steams me up when I can't read my paper with my morning coffee. When we had the freeze the paper was right on time. That's cleared up and now its late. ????


Grocery/Department Stores - Consideration/Values

I can't stand rude people who bring the whole f'n family to shop and take up so much of the aisles that now one can get by. How you can be so inconsiderate of the many many people you are inconveniencing. Do you own the f'n store or are you just acting like it.

Then there are the people who act like they are going to run you over with their shopping cart. Sometimes they come up behind you fast and get right on you. Hello, I'm walking here, are you blind?? That is when I like to sloooowww down, take my time....and sometimes maybe stop short to look at something interesting. Eventually they will storm off in a huff in some other direction, bringing joy into someone else's life I'm sure.

I don't understand these people, I guess I was just raised different. To respect and be thoughtful of others. But it makes it tough to stick to those values when it seems like most people around you have forgotten or never known what it means to be considerate to a fellow human being.


Icy weather and Road Ragers

Well, we had some icy weather here for the last couple of days, cleared up today and I guess the road ragers have some pent up frustration they had to make up for this morning. Bunch of inconsiderate jerks. If you are in that big of a hurry why don't you try getting up a little earlier bubba? Usually it is some redneck in a pickup truck. Guess that is just the hazard of living where I do. Surprises me sometimes we aren't all hip deep in saliva as much as these backward hicks like to spit from vehicles.


Help ourselves first

I was watching the news and it was one of the hurricane victims who was complaining because their situation is basically unchanged from back in August. She was upset that they are now huddling around fireplaces for warmth since it is December. She had a good point that we need to help ourselves at home first before sending millions and billions of dollars overseas to help other victims.


Media Slants

Well, coincidentally in this morning's edition of my local newspaper there is an article about deadbeat Dads. As if because of their motherly nature women are incapable of disregarding their children, not being responsible etc. I'm here to tell you from first hand experience, not so...Mother's can be just as bad or worse.

This is why I titled my previous post "Deadbeat Parents". To acknowledge that it can happen on both sides of the fence. Gee, you would think the newspaper would have to be as balanced as some dumb guy with his own blog, right?


Dead beat Parents

Deadbeat parents who claim to care about their children, but don't pay a dime of child support. The courts are no help because it will just cost you more money to try to collect. They are too busy spending whatever money they have on drugs. That is when they are not in jail or prison. Yet they think just because they are the biological parent they should be given the children by default. They haven't grown up themselves yet they think they can raise another.


Forum moderators

who think they are god and alter and delete posts at will. even if you are careful to follow the rules they always have that last one to fall back on, you know the one that goes "the moderators judgement is final and they run their forums how they see fit..etc.".

Steve's Rants