Allergy and cold medicines
Now you can't just buy some of these, you have to get the card and go to the pharmacy, show your driver's license, and sign for them. What a headache, no pun intended. Just because some yahoos were buying the stuff in bulk and cooking up methamphetamine out of it. Just another example of how everyone has to be treated as a criminal because of a few bad apples. Wouldn't be quite so bad, but I went to 3 different stores and they are all out of half of the stuff and didn't have prices on others. The usual BS you have to put with, but now with the added inconvenience of going to the counter. So you still don't have to have a prescription, but it is almost as difficult. So, what used to take 2 minutes now takes 15-20 minutes depending on how busy the pharmacy is. And looking at it from the stores perspective they are now making less money off of these items because it is costing them more labor to deal with the paperwork.
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