
Red Lights

I know I post a lot of stuff about traffic, but I guess that it is one 0f my main complaints of living in the big city. Too many cars, too many inconsiderate buttheads. Ah well, next rant.

Whoever sets some of these redlights up must have their head up their posterior. As much as the talk has been on the gas this year with short supply and skyrocketing prices and there you sit at a traffic light, no one coming in the other direction, burning up that precious resource. Also, I think if there are three lanes the right one should always be turn only. And a blockade built on the otherside to prevent people from breaking the law. Burns me up when we have these laws on the books and there is no enforcement. No, they are all out there trying to catch speeders. What about the jerk in the passing lane going 55. He should get a ticket. The guy going straight from a turn only lane, ticket! The guy trying to make it through the intersection and making the other lanes wait when it changes, ticket. No, No, lets just go pass more laws we won't enforce.


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