
'Book of Daniel'

As I write this I have not seen it yet, I think it comes on tonight. A show like this can't win though. The religious nuts go crazy saying it is disrespectful to Jesus and the critics give it a thumbs down because it doesn't appeal to some weird humor asthetic that only they seem to possess. They seem to think it always has to have some redeeming message when in the in some people just want to laugh, to escape. Hey, we get enough message in the real world, can't I just take a break for a while. Maybe the real world doesn't intrude on your life in your ivory towers, but for me I get enough of it. Thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

and thank you

2:38 PM  
Blogger Darykween said...

i enjoy reading your blog i think it has panache and is humorous and i am glad that i am not the only person out there with problems. you should read my blog i think yours is interesting and while i wouldn't dare compare to your troubles maybe you'd enjoy sharing mine as i enjoy sharing yours.

2:49 PM  

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