
Farmers Branch - anti immigrant lease ordinance

Voters approved an ordinance that would prohibit landlords from renting apartments to most illegal immigrants in the Dallas suburb of Farmers Branch.

The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund and the American Civil Liberites Union, which have already sued the city over the regulation, asked for the temporary restraining order in a U.S. District Court.

"It is unfortunate that the residents of Farmers Branch have chosen to implement a law which is not only bad policy, but is likely also unconstitutional," said Lisa Graybill, legal directorfor the ACLU of Texas. "Now the issue will have to be resolved in federal court," she continued.


Ridiculous, how can a local law that supports a national law be unconstitutional. Has everyone forgotten that they aren't supposed to be here??

Now on the other hand I like cheap vegetables and a lower cost when I have to have some work done around the house or in the yard, so I am not sure what the answer is. Why can't they just legalize them all and let them start paying taxes?

They are here already...

Illegal immigrates

How about letting the ones that are already here go serve a tour in the military. It could be like that movie "Starship Troopers"...service guarantees citizenship.


Deadly force OK

WASHINGTON—Police can use potentially deadly force to end a high-speed chase that puts the public at risk, the Supreme Court ruled Monday.

The case of Timothy Scott vs. Victor Harris began in 2001, when Mr. Harris, a Georgia man who was left paraplegic after Mr. Scott, a Coweta County, Ga., deputy sheriff, rammed Mr. Harris’ car in an effort to stop him during a car chase in which Mr. Harris’ speed sometimes exceeded 85 mph on a two-lane road, according to the Supreme Court.

Full story

Typical, this ass goes on a high speed chase endangering everybody else on the road and then when the police get him stopped, he gets hurt and tries to sue that his rights were violated. What is surprising to me is the court even had to decide on this, it is ridiculous.

Bush bucks

This guy is something else. He just seems to thumb his nose at what people want. I'm not saying it is the right move to get out of Iraq, just thinking it was a mistake to ever be in there in the first place. Maybe we should have just assasinated Saddam instead of going to war. And keep assasinating until someone came to power that wasn't and egocentric asshole.

What the war has cost us so far is amazing. I was reading how much it would pay for. Tuition and books for half of the college aged people, nursing homes for half of the elderly people. These aren't exact quotes, but you get the idea.

Hey, they could of just sliced off a million or so for me to retire on ;)

Steve's Rants